Fats, Oils & Grease


What is F.O.G.?

FOG stands for Fats, Oils and Grease. When FOG is poured down the drain, it sticks to the inside of sewer pipes. A buildup of FOG in the pipes restricts wastewater flow, eventually causing blockages. When wastewater cannot pass through a blockage, it results in backed up sewers that can overflow into your home and storm drains.

Common Examples

Cooking oils
Animal fat
Salad dressing

How can I prevent costly backups and polluted waterways?

Grease Traps and Grease Interceptors

The local building code establishes requirements for sizing and installation.  But they don’t clean themselves.  Grease traps are kept indoors and usually maintained by restaurant employees.  Grease interceptors are found outdoors and typically cleaned by professional services.  Even when using an outside company to service the traps, it’s important to make sure the job is done correctly and on the appropriate schedule. When the interceptor tank is 25% full of solids and grease, it's time to clean it. 

Keep F.O.G. Out of the Drain

  1. Scrape dishes before washing
  2. Wipe F.O.G. from cooking equipment before washing
  3. Recycle used fryer grease
  4. Regularly inspect and clean the grease trap

Contract GI/Septic Maintenance Routinely Servicing Salida

Call businesses for current rates and schedules. Inclusion/omission to this list is neither an endorsement or rejection by the City of Salida.  Call if you wish your business to appear on our website. 

  • Anew Septic - (719) 539-6104
  • Antero Septic Co. - (719) 395-9209
  • Mountain High Septic - (719) 539-4985